With so much at stake for every client we serve, I am discovering all of the ways “detail” helps our projects and events stand out from so many others. Unfortunately, if accomplished correctly, the details go unseen just because they add to the flawless experience for the client and the audience. The “attention to detail” I’m speaking of today is what the crew accomplishes before and during the event.
Of course, before we arrive on-site we’ve already worked with the client on the largest and smallest details in their script (timing, media, set & stage, etc.). Then we work on selecting the right crew for set-up, engineering, show control and grips – and then on-site, it becomes a orchestration of bringing everything together leaving nothing undone. What that looks like is:
- How are all of the cables run (sometimes hundreds of yards between show control and staging). Is it neatly laid and invisible to the audience? Can we track every cable instantly to sort out any changes before or during show.
- Does the stage look as good from the entry doors as it does near the stage (including fretting over draping, color, background, leveling the set, matched lighting throughout, etc.).
- Does the lighting create both the correct ambiance and highlight people on-stage clearly?
- Is the sound correctly metered to the venue? Too loud? Too soft? Are all of the mic’s ready to go and did we (if we have the opportunity) check sound to the actual talent coming the stage?
- How is the power? Is the venue supplying the correct power for the different equipment we’re using (nothing worse than a power shutdown in the midst of an event).
- Are we staying abreast of the last minute changes that happen for every event script?
- How is the experience for the audience? If I am seated at table “42”, is my experience as good as if I am at table “1”?
- Have we created exactly what the client is expecting for their audience?
I have only been an event producer for a heartbeat compared to the lifetime my company’s founder has devoted to his craft. Prior to joining The Showpros I spent years as “the client” and never saw what really went into producing the many successful events I’d financed. Now, I have a complete appreciation of the details involved, behind the scenes, to produce what I desired for my audiences.
I encourage you to look at your event, what you hope to accomplish, and select a producer that truly understands “attention to detail” and the impact on your audience.